Birding is one of man's most beautiful passions. Is a hobby, but the birding hobby involves advanced knowledge about the birds life, as well as about the geography, weather, hidrology, photography, optics, etc. This blog will have the support of a very good brdwatcher and birdwatching guide, who's name I'll reveal soon, after his approval.

I'll post my birds pictures, advices about birding and some birding places in Europe. I'll try to give a short description of birds, species and the places where I've seen them.

You are invited to post comments, to argue on the birds' identification or to add more hints.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Haliaeetus Albicilla

Haliaeetus Albicilla, the White Tailed Eagle, is a rare bird, but it can still be seen in the Danube Delta. I have seen one this year, while turning back to Tulcea from Sulina.

This is not my video, but is really nice: